We at the Voice hope that all CCHS students will join us in wishing Ms. Sandra Haupt a fond farewell as she retires this year. We are very sad to see the end of Ms. Haupt’s time as an amazing math teacher at CCHS. We are, however, pleased to convey her final words of wisdom before she goes.
Ms. Haupt has spent twenty years teaching here at CC and has made a large impact on the hundreds of students she has taught. She says the “the biggest changes in the past twenty years have involved the increasing use of technology; the students really haven’t changed much.”
Ms. Haupt promises to remember the CCHS community fondly, especially the “energy and excitement each day at CCHS brings.” We hope she finds new excitement with her retirement plans of “learning more about botany and birding, archeology, and origami,” as well as traveling more.
As Ms. Haupt leaves CCHS, she gives some final lessons for us to bring into our future plans: “Whether you’re in school, working or retired, the important thing is to keep learning and experiencing the world.”
Please join The Voice in thanking Ms. Haupt for her contributions to the CCHS community and in wishing her luck in her future endeavors!