Image courtesy of Harry
What has been your overall experience at CCHS?
I can honestly say that my time at CCHS has changed who I am as a person and framed my outlook on the future. When I first came to the high school, I was uninvolved and isolated. In the past four years, though, I’ve found countless friends, communities, and like-minded people who I’ll carry with me into the future.
What’s the best thing about being a senior?
I’ve enjoyed seeing my class come together in the final few months of high school. The parents and the school administration do a great job putting on events for all 325 of us, and we have a greater sense of community than ever before. This manifests itself in all kinds of ways. Even being in the library during a free block feels different. There is much more interaction across groups, and we feel much less fractured as a class.
What plans do you have after graduating from CCHS?
I’m going to be attending college in Washington, D.C. While I’m sad to leave high school behind, I’m thrilled at the prospects that lay ahead. D.C. is a great city, and I hope to take advantage of all that it has to offer. I’ll be studying some combination of international relations/economics/political science, so it is also a great city to launch a career.
What’s your dream job?
I have absolutely no idea! I am fairly certain, however, that I’d like to spend some part of my career in the public sector. I like the idea of working towards a mission that is bigger than myself, and I think government jobs provide interesting opportunities to interact with the public and the media.
What advice and/or tips do you have for underclassmen?
Try absolutely everything and keep an open mind! I have been surprised time and time again by how much I’ve enjoyed picking up new things in high school. Also, I think it’s important to keep an open mind when it comes to friendships. Even if you come to high school with a solid group of friends, you will meet tons of new great people. I’m still finding new friendships in my final days of school!
I could not live without… my friends.
I am currently thinking about… graduation and everything that comes after.